I recently found some data cassettes with drum programs from my TR-626.  Could these be loaded into Reaper?  I did a search and couldn’t find a thing.  So I dove in and here’s what I discovered on how to do this. more »


I’m pretty experienced in scripting, mainly web related, but a few different languages.  I’ve dabbled in AppleScript as well.  Thought about C (or the various flavors of it) but never committed to learning. After some time I have decided to try my hand at scripting for Reaper, the DAW. more »

by  creed3

New category and topic.

For the past 2+ years I’ve been recording again.  Yes again.  What seems like ages ago I was quite active in multi-track recording, using tape, you know, “old school”.  I got side tracked, was no longer actively in bands, and got away from it.  But like a bad penny, I have returned.  However technology moved at lightning speed was I was “away” and thus I am learning all about the digital audio workstation (DAW), which basically means doing the “old school” thing in computers now.  I selected Reaper as my DAW of choice, running on Macs, and after a couple of years I have accumulated some tips.  So I’ll be sharing some of that here from time to time.  This is going to be newbie stuff, so maybe it will help those who are just getting into it.  Pros – to quote Leslie Nielson, “move along, nothing to see here”.  Also, I have no affiliation with Reaper but am actually a paying customer.

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