One of the many sites I work on is a genealogy site for Breathitt County Kentucky.  It’s a simple informational site using only HTML, javascript and CSS.  No server side scripting available.  It’s been a good walk back in time for me as I’ve become so accustomed (read “dependent”) on doing everything server side with PHP.  Recently an update “demanded” some means of calling attention to it without being too annoying or flashy and also without using an image as there was simply no room for it.  It also needed to load fast.  Enter javascript and CSS. more »

I subscribe to many developer focused email newsletters.  I really need to in order to attempt to stay up on the latest advancements in web site development.  Of course unless you have absolutely nothing else to do with your time, keeping pace with all the latest advancements is just not possible. more »

by  creed3

CSS is Awesome Awful A Real Challenge.

CSS is a lot of things.  What it’s not is perfect.  Far from it in fact.  Yet in spite of it’s short comings, in spite of the inconsistent browser support, both of which cause many a designer to jump through countless hoops in an attempt to achieve a consistent layout across all browsers, it’s hailed as the ONLY method to use for all web page layout.  Is that fair? more »

by  creed3

Using CSS it’s easy to spice up your WordPress posts by adding some fun styling to the post date.  I’m certain this translates well into other blog or CMS systems, but I’m just focusing on WordPress with this one. more »

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