
In the current trend of publishing, both online and in print, you may or may not have noticed the practice of placing 2 spaces between two sentences has been abandoned.  Today only one space is used.  Is this laziness or truly a case of where it’s no longer needed? more »

My trusty 2008 Macbook Pro is still kicking.  However a week ago it started to freeze up within about 2 minutes of booting.  Oh no, is this outdated gem finally headed for the electronics graveyard?  Not so fast.  In spite of it seeming to indicate a motherboard problem, it was AT&T’s fault.  Let me explain. more »


This is a quick update on this topic. Following one of the many FF updates in recent months I noticed my new tab page was back to the old settings.  The first few tabs I had saved were still there, but the columns and rows were not right. more »

by  creed3

Wow – I have no idea what the folks at Mozilla are doing now, and maybe they don’t either.  But every version of FF since 32.* has really…. well…. sucked.  Anyone else having any problems with FF on a Mac?  Literally every new tab I open causes it to peg my CPU at 100% for up to 2 minutes.  It is virtually unusable.  So for now, I’m sticking with v32 until they can stop the stupidity.

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