
This past Sunday I woke early and thought I’d have some time to catch up on some web site updates after my usual morning scan of email and news and weather.  But I was wrong.  My main iMac wouldn’t connect to anything online even after rebooting the modem, a regular necessity in this household.  I could connect to the modem admin panel so this wasn’t a modem issue.  My second iMac could see the internet as well as my Macbook.  Hmmmmm…. more »

Have you ever wished you could have your navigation menu change depending on whether a user is logged in or not?  For a logged in user they would see a logout option and maybe a link to their profile.  Whereas those not logged in would be offered a login menu link.  Sounds simple enough. more »

WordPress has a built-in links manager.  It was basically intended to be used for what was and still is referred to as a blogroll.  Blogrolls aren’t quite as popular today but don’t let this feature go to waste.  If you have been thinking about adding a page of links you want to direct your users to, or feature a small links directory, here’s how to do it without adding a plugin. more »


Way way back in the early days of Mac the platform established itself as one to be used for music production.  Not just for the audiophile at home, but for serious pro music production.  Macs have continued to stand out in music although PC’s have pretty much caught up.  So I thought, being into all things music on Macs myself, I’d do a short series on apps I’ve found and prefer for doing things music related.  This will NOT be an all-inclusive series, only what I’ve found that works, and in most cases is open source or free.

To kick this off, let’s look at audio file splitting more »

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